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Workshop internazionale sul tema: Metamorfosi della città contemporanea

maggio 22nd, 2014

poster workshopDipartimento di Architettura e Progetto Sedi di via Gramsci 53 (ValleGiulia) e di piazza Borghese 9

Workshop internazionale sul tema : Metamorfosi della città contemporanea
28-30 maggio 2014

In collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Urban Conflicts Research dell’Università di Cambdirge (UK)
Organizzato dal Dipartimento di Architettura e dal Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura e Costruzione (Draco), il workshop avvia una collaborazione con l’Università di Cambdridge intorno ai temi della trasformazione urbana, con particolare riguardo per I luoghi impegnati in una fase ancora conflittuale di passaggio fra sistemi politici differenti, guerre, migrazioni etc. Al centro di alcune relazioni, la maggior parte delle quali affidate a studenti dei corsi di dottorato della Sapienza e di Cambridge, vi saranno i casi delle città post-comuniste, a partire da Bucarest, ma anche di Gerusalemme, della situazione europea e italiana degli insediamenti Rom.
Oltre ai docenti di Cambridge, Wendy Pullan e Maximilian Sternberg, parteciperanno alle giornate del workshop architetti e docenti come Marco Brizzi, Alessandro Camiz, Francesco Careri, Roberto Cherubini, Anna Irene Del Monaco, Francesco Garofalo, Filippo Lambertucci, Pisana Posocco, Manuela Raitano.
La direzione scientifica del workshp è dei proff. Giuseppe Strappa, direttore del Dottorato di Ricerca Draco, e di Stefano Catucci. Il coordinamento di Iulia Statica (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) e Gruia Badescu (University of Cambridge).

Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto
Sede di via Gramsci 53 (Valle Giulia)
Aula Fiorentino
Mercoledi, 28 Maggio 2014, ore 16.00
Wendy Pullan
Department of Architecture
University of Cambridge (UK)

In situ: Museums of national struggle and the institutionalisation of conflict memories
(In situ: Musei della lotta nazionale e l’istituzionalizzazione delle memorie del conflitto)

Maximilian Sternberg
Department of Architecture
University of Cambridge (UK)

Transnational memory-sites: Bi-communal representations of trauma in Polish-German border towns
(Luoghi di memoria transnazionali: Rappresentazioni bilaterali del trauma nelle città di confine polacco-tedesche)

Nell’ambito del workshop internazionale che il Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto organizza in collaborazione con l’Università di Cambridge, mercoledì 28 maggio alle h.16 avrà luogo una conferenza a due voci con Wendy Pullan e Maximilian Sternberg.

Nel corso dei loro interventi, i due docenti di Cambridge illustreranno il programma di ricerca intorno a cui ruotano le attività del Centre for Urban Conflicts Research, del quale sono rispettivamente direttore e vicedirettore.

San Vito Romano. Morfologia urbana e progetto

aprile 24th, 2014

Comune di San Vito Romano
Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto
Laboratorio di Lettura e Progetto dell’Architettura
Quarta giornata di studi sanvitesi

San Vito Romano

Morfologia urbana e progetto

Sabato 26 Aprile 2014, ore 15,00

Nella Sala Conferenze del Comune di San Vito

Romano, Via Borgo Mario Theodoli n. 34

San Vito Romano (RM)

ore 15,00
Indirizzi di saluto (chairman Alessandro Camiz)
AMEDEO ROSSI (Sindaco di San Vito Romano)
ENzO AURELI (Sindaco di Pisoniano)
FRANCO FIORE (Vice Sindaco di San Vito Romano)
CESARE POMPA (Consigliere, Comune di San Vito Romano)
FRANCESCO POGGI (Presidente Associazione “Articolo Nove”, Ciciliano)
ore 16,00
Interventi (chairman Franco Fiore)
ALESSANDRO CAMIZ (Sapienza Università di Roma, University of Miami, School of
Il progetto nei piccoli centri storici: l’origine dell’insediamento e l’antico Statuto
della Comunità di San Vito (1599)
PINA CIOTOLI (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Lettura e progetto di San Vito Romano
VIRGINIA STAMPETE (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Riuso e trasformazione del frantoio Theodoli a San Vito
VIRGINIA COSENZA (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Lettura e progetto dell’organismo urbano di San Vito Romano
GIULIA PERINI (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Riuso ed espansione delle Stalle Marchionali a San Vito Romano
CRISTINA TARTAGLIA, YLLI TACI (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Lettura e progetto del centro storico di Pisoniano
ALESSANDRO BRUCCOLERI (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Lettura e progetto dell’organismo urbano di San Polo dei Cavalieri
MARCO FEDELI (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Restauro del castello Theodoli e della chiesa di sant’Erasmo a Ciciliano


Comunicato stampa

Urban morphology and design: Rome in Miami

aprile 4th, 2014


International Seminar (University of Miami, “Sapienza” University of Rome-DIAP-LPA)

Urban morphology and design: Rome in Miami, April 8th-10th, 2014, University of Miami, School of Architecture, Coral Gables, FL, USA

Tuesday, April 8th, 9:30 AM, Architecture Library

Alessandro Camiz (Postdoctoral fellow, “Sapienza”, University of Rome, Adjunct Faculty and Visiting lecturer, University of Miami) From urban fabric to Roman palaces

Wednesday, April 9th, 6:00 PM, Glasgow hall

Introduction by Jean-François Lejeune (Director of graduate studies)

Giuseppe Strappa (Full Professor, “Sapienza”, University of Rome) Urban design methods: Muratori and Caniggia

Alessandro Camiz (Postdoctoral fellow, “Sapienza”, University of Rome, Adjunct Faculty and Visiting lecturer, University of Miami) City as organism: 22nd ISUF conference in Rome


Thursday, April 10th, 9:30 AM, Architecture Library

Paolo Carlotti (Researcher, “Sapienza”, University of Rome) Urban form: settlement and process, N.Y., Boston and Philadelphia

Alessandro Camiz- coordinamento scientifico
(+39) 06 4991 9220

Seminario di Studi Città Storica. Ricerca progetto gestione Narni 21/22 Febbraio 2014

febbraio 17th, 2014

Forma civitatis, call for papers

febbraio 2nd, 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS 2014 (deadline june 30 2014)

FORMA CIVITATIS: International journal of urban and territorial morphological studies (IJUTMS), issue 1, 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS (deadline june 30, 2014)

Large models in small urban settlements

Hill-top towns are typical in most of Europe in an historical phase that starts from VIIIth cent. until XVth. cent. AD. Prior to the Xth cent. fortification of towns, called by historians  “incastellamento”,  several settlements seem to reoccupy archaic sites, moving from the valleys to the hill-tops and modifying the social structure of former villages. Many of these settlements today need to be preserved but also to be developed, so the study of their formation process is useful also for the contemporary development.

  • Which models were adopted in the ancient design process, do some of the models derive from larger settlements ?
  • Is the small urban hill-top/hill-side settlement phenomena general through Europe ?
  • Are there similar phenomena elsewhere (e.g.  Machu Picchu, native Northern American settlements, Japanese Castle towns, jokamachi, Viking and Saxon Emporia)?
  • Where, in Europe, and why does it start earlier/later ?
  • Which relationships can be found between climate, economy, land  ownership, territorial morphology, social structure and city form?
  • How are such identified (new or old/adapted) social structures expressed in the urban and territorial structures?
  • What differences can be found in the form and structure of different types of small towns, villages, villes, hamlets, wicks, vici, castles etc. if compared to the local territorial morphology.

The journal editors invite participation by interested academics and professionals. Proposals for papers should be in English and should preferably not exceed 20000 characters with an English abstract in less than 1000 characters and up to five keywords.

  • Before submitting a paper please read carefully the Notes for contributors
  • Papers must be submitted online using the paper template
  • Papers will be valued by a double blind peer review process
  • The papers should not contain the name of the author, which should be instead uploaded separately using the Author template.

To register in the web site as author  send an email with a short bio to journal AT formacivitatis DOT com

La modernità dell'informale

gennaio 31st, 2014

locandina Lejeune def

ISUF 2015 – Call for papers (deadline 15 January 2015)

gennaio 30th, 2014

ISUF 2015 – International Conference. City as organism: new visions for urban life.

22-26 September 2015.

Faculty of Architecture, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Call for papers (deadline 15 January 2015)

Conceptions of the city have changed significantly in recent years. The character of major infrastructural, residential, commercial and manufacturing developments suggests that current challenges may be a great deal more than a blip in the course of history. Some would argue that the dialectic between the desire to restore the organicity of urban form and the incoherent reality of the actual city is at the core of some of the finest projects and plans that have been developed. Is this a line of thought that is practicable in urban morphological research and practice? Or should we accept the incoherence of cities as amalgams of fragments? A central theme of the Conference is the ‘reading’ of existing cities in the light of a possible new organicity, comparing viewpoints from different disciplines; from architecture to history and from geography to urban planning. Discussions will deal with a variety of scales, from the territorial to the urban, and from the entire city and constellations of cities to the scale of the individual building. The Twenty-Second International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2015), hosted in Rome by the Faculty of Architecture of ‘Sapienza’ University, will take place in Valle Giulia, via Antonio Gramsci 53, 00197, Rome, Italy, from 22 to 26 September 2015. The theme of the conference is ‘City as organism: new visions for urban life’. Scales and topics to be covered include:

Territorial scale

New and historical landscapes

Infrastructural networks

Territorial geography

Urban organism scale

Urban growth and fringe belts

Contemporary design for historical cities

Urban aesthetics and new tendencies in urban design


Urban fabric scale

Urban morphology and urban regeneration

Reading and designing urban fabric

Urban form and meaning

Urban knots

Building scale

New design methodologies

Architectural heritage preservation methods

Modern legacies

Modern constructions and Mediterranean identity

The organizers and the Council of ISUF invite participation by interested academics and professionals. Proposals for papers should take the form of abstracts of papers. They should be prepared in the following format: title of paper, author(s) name, affiliation, full postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, 3-5 key words, conference topic/scale and a 250-word abstract, in a MS Word file (.doc) using the abstract template available on the website (font: Times New Roman). Proposals should be uploaded on the conference site after registration. Abstracts of papers must be received before 15 January 2015. Notification of whether abstracts have been accepted will be provided by 1 March 2015. Those whose abstracts have been accepted will be required to pay a registration fee by 15 May 2015 to have their papers included in the conference programme. The registration fee of €300 (students: €200) includes 12 months’ membership of ISUF and 3 issues of the journal Urban Morphology, conference cocktail, coffee breaks and gala dinner. Following acceptance of abstracts, submission of papers (not exceeding 4000 words) is required. They should be received by 30 May 2015. Authors should consult the notes for the guidance of contributors to Urban Morphology, available on the ISUF website (, or in recent copies of that journal, before preparing their papers. Selected papers may be published after the conference. The official conference language is English. There will be a New Researchers’ Forum, in which researchers new to the field are invited to take part. New researchers should indicate when they submit their abstracts whether they would like to be included in the New Researchers’ Forum. Post-conference excursions will take place in Rome, Hadrian’s Villa, (Tivoli) and to the historical town of Todi.

The Conference Scientific Committee comprises:

Giancarlo Cataldi (University of Florence, Italy), Michael Conzen (University of Chicago, USA), Kai Gu (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Ivor Samuels (ISUF, UK), Jean-Francois Lejeune (University of Miami, USA), Renato Masiani (“Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy), Vítor Oliveira (University of Oporto, Portugal), Piero Ostilio Rossi (“Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy), Jeremy Whitehand (University of Birmingham, UK).

The Conference Organizing Committee comprises:

Giuseppe Strappa, Chair (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Italy), Alessandro Camiz (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Italy), Paolo Carlotti (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Italy), Anna Irene del Monaco (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Italy), Matteo Ieva (Politechnic of Bari, Italy), Marco Maretto (University of Parma, Italy), Nicola Marzot (University of Ferrara, Italy, and TU-Delft, The Netherlands), Dina Nencini (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Italy), Fabrizio Toppetti (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Italy).

All ISUF regional groups will be invited to organize a session, a poster or a seminar:

Each ongoing ISUF Task Force will be invited to present its work.

The conference website, providing more detailed information, is

Enquiries and suggestions concerning the conference should be forwarded to


gennaio 27th, 2014

conferenza purini

Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Dipartimento DIAP, Draco Dottorato in Architettura e Costruzione.
Ciclo di incontri “Il nucleo scientifico delle discipline di progetto”.

Franco Purini “Tre saperi per l’architettura”

introduce Giuseppe Strappa, coordinatore del dottorato DRACO
Facoltà di Architettura, sede di via Gramsci, aula Fiorentino, martedì 28 Gennaio 2014, ore 16.30

organizzazione e progetto grafico Pina Ciotoli

Conferenza di Francesco Rispoli, L’immagine scientifica del progetto di architettura

gennaio 16th, 2014

rispoli 16 gennaio

Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Diparimento DIAP, DRACO Dottorato in Architettura e Costruzione
Ciclo di incontri “Il nucleo scientifico delle discipline di progetto”

Francesco Rispoli “L’immagine scientifica del progetto di architettura”

Introduce Giuseppe Strappa, coordinatore del dottorato DRACO

Facoltà di Architettura, sede di Via Gramsci, aula Fiorentino, martedì 21 gennaio 2014. ore 16.00

organizzazione Alessandro Camiz, progetto grafico Pina Ciotoli


gennaio 2nd, 2014

A.A. 2012/2013